Thursday, March 26, 2009

The feet

I was watching my friend Cathy, dancing with her father at a wedding. She was grinning at him while they danced and it brought back memories.

When I was little, we would go to my grandmother's house. She was my dad's mother and they all loved to dance. By they, I mean she and her two sisters and their husbands, and my parents. I remember many evenings pushing back the rug in the basement, turning the stereo up, and everyone would dance. The space was limited with so many people and there was much joking and laughter as they bumped into each other. My most favorite part was when I got to dance with my dad. When I was really little, he'd place my feet on top of his feet and we'd glide around the room, dipping and turning in time to the music. As I got older, I'd put my hand in his and count; one, two, three, four...trying to watch my feet so I didn't get stepped on.

If my earthly father placed my feet on his to teach me my first dance steps, doesn't my Heavenly Father do this as well? On my first tentative dances as a Christian, I know He carried me. Right now I think I'm in the process of counting and getting my feet stepped on...A LOT! But I'm learning the moves.

Thank you Father, that all good things come from You. You know all the steps of the dance of life and You'll hold our hand while we dance through it.

A Wedding

We went to my friend's son's wedding on Saturday. It was a lovely wedding, and I know I shouldn't say this, but I friend, Susan looked beautiful. When I first met her about twenty-two years ago, there was something about her that drew me. Now I know what it is. She radiates Christ. He shines out of her. Susan invited a friend from work sat her up front with the family, a place of honor. During the night, when I would catch a glimpse of the friend, there was a look on her face of pure joy, of feeling wanted...special.

Isn't that what Christ does? He grabs our hand, leading us through the obstacles, the people clamoring for attention, our failures, our sin. His eyes are always on us, His intent clear as He leads us to the place of honor, a seat at His Father's table.

Oh, what a Savior!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


We changed the time today, moving ahead one hour. Right now it's 7:30pm and still light out. I'm a little crabby because it was hard to sleep last night. I kept waking up, afraid we'd be late for church.

I am going to the Mount Hermon Writer's Conference in April. When I first made the decision to go last fall,I thought I'd be okay, there was plenty of time to polish my book. Before I knew it, Christmas had come and gone and it was February. No problem, I'd work on it all February every chance I got. This is March 8th and I am starting to panic because I haven't done ANY of the work I said I'd get done. So many things kept happening with work, kids, and church, the time flew by.

Where is it? Where has time gone? I remember in my youth, the long days of summer. You could go swimming, play kickball, and read a book and still have the evening stretched out before you. I wish I could learn to savor every moment, without always being rushed, always having something to do.

And yet, I find there are moments when time does stand still. When I seek the King, when I'm in His presence, time holds it's breath. Thank you Lord, my time is in Your hands.