Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I can't believe how long its been since I've posted on here. I've been longing for the days when the kids were little and I was able to stay home with them. I used to feel guilty, thinking I should be working...not realizing how eternal the price for what I was doing.I have many regrets, things I wish I would have done, should have done, didn't do. When I wake, I'm full of hope..the new day, sun rising, shaking off it's cloak of darkness. Then I get caught up in the sea of people, bitter, complaining, clawing to get to the top, the me, me, me gale force wind that sucks me in and under until I don't know who I am anymore. What am I going to say when I stand before the KING of KINGS? Was I a good mom? I don't know. What is a good mom? Was I a good wife..sometimes...did I show Christ to the people I work with..doesn't seem like I do. Life is so short. I know I haven't used what He's given me wisely. I spent to much time wasting time. And yet, I'm so tired. I don't know how people live with a Savior to run to. Here I come again, Lord..